No Fermenters, No Foot 9-16-15

I arrived back and helped tip these new shiny 30 bbl fermenters upright.

I arrived back and helped tip these new shiny 30 bbl fermenters upright.

Our new fermenters were not delivered yesterday unfortunately.

Instead the shipping company said they would arrive at 7:45am today. When I arrived I was expecting the fermenters to be ready for unloading. The fermenters didn’t actually arrive until 12:30. Unfortunately I had to go deliver something, and missed seeing them offloaded from the shipping container. Craig had to handle that all by himself himself. As soon as I got back, Craig and I rigged them up to the forklift and tilted them upright. We found a temporary home for them and pallet jacked them into place. These 30 bbl fermenters are way heavier than our 15 bbl guys. Even still, they were not too hard to manage for one person.

Foot is still really painful and my mobility is a struggle. Have to power through it though, it’s just how it goes.


Most of the rubble is gone. Time to dig out some dirt to make a thicker slab.

At this point the warehouse is 90% clear of rubble. Once the rubble is removed, we need to remove dirt so that we can pour a thicker slab for our tanks. Watching Tim do his thing on the bobcat and the excavator has been fun, but really loud and dusty.

Our architect emailed me this morning letting me know that he was waiting on some last minute changes from his structural engineer and told me he would be by tomorrow rather than today to submit plans. I will meet up with him when he arrives tomorrow and cut the city their check to get everything into motion.