Today marks the first major equipment purchases that we have made. We put a deposit down on a forklift and a scissor lift. A forklift will be a very important piece of equipment to have. The days of rolling kegs around are no more (thank goodness). We were looking for a forklift that had the following features:
We found what we believe to be a good deal on a used forklift from a company in Colorado. We put a 10% deposit down and they will deliver it to us once escrow closes and we have access to our new warehouse. The battery has a 12 month warranty.
The scissor lift, while not used as frequently as the forklift, is another valuable piece of equipment for a brewery. We plan to use it right off the bat to do some of our own process piping. We expect to use it for dry hopping (for those who have dry hopped a tall fermentor, let me say that ladders are scary as hell if you experience nucleation), changing light bulbs, and other sorts of maintenance where a scissor lift is safer and more practical than a ladder. For the scissor lift we were looking for the following features:
A word of wisdom to any aspiring breweries out there. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE HOW DANGEROUS WORKING IN A BREWERY IS. These pieces of equipment can kill their operators, or others working in the vicinity, if they arenot operated safely. I got forklift certified a couple of weeks ago, and will say that I was absolutely ignorant of many of the dangers these pieces of equipment pose.
So these are the first two of many more pieces of equipment we are in the market for. When we bought Schooner’s it was essentially a turn key operation and didn’t require us to purchase any major equipment. This time around we will be upping production from 1,500 bbl max to our goal of 15,000 bbl and with the increase in volume we will need a lot more equipment including: