While we are waiting for the concrete to cure, the mezzanine is being put up above the tap room. For those who don’t know what a mezzanine is, its basically a large platform. The beams that support it are massive. One broke a furniture dolly in half when they were moving it around.The mezzanine will be where we mill our grain, treat our water, and store our specialty grains. It looks way bigger than what we were expecting just looking at the plans, which is nice because it offers us some more flexibility for later.Access to the mezzanine is by a ships ladder, basically a very steep set of stairs with hand railings. Because of the steepness, it doesn’t make sense to carry our specialty grains up sack by sack manually. Instead there will be a set of doors that open up to the brewery where grains can be loaded on a pallet by our forklift, all at once. That’s what I’m talking about! No more humping grain sacks.

Water treatment on the left. Specialty grain racks on the right.